Taylorsville, Alexander County

City: Taylorsville

Region: Piedmont

Mothy-ness Rating:

Random Moths Observed at Site

Dark-collared Tinea Moth
Tinea apicimaculella

Tufted Apple Bud Moth
Platynota idaeusalis

Hoffman’s Cochylid Moth
Cochylichroa hoffmanana

Angulose Prominent
Peridea angulosa

Site Stats & Records

Observation and species totals stats are from the iNaturalist Alexander County NCUCMP project page. County and State Records are based upon data from the Moths of NC website.

Observers: [88]

Total Observations: 164


Total Species: 119

New County Records:

New State Records:


Host Plants noted at survey site

Oak, Pine, Hickory, Tulip Poplar, Cherry

Moon Phase

Waning Crescent

Site Description

Located in a rural area along Route 16, this property seemed less than an ideal mothing survey site at first glance. The lot was mostly lawn with some young growth of trees. The location once had at least 4 trailer homes, only two remained. A solid waste collection site was adjacent to the property. There was a good mix of host trees and the first time encountering native flowering plants at a site. Species of Joe Pye Weed and Goldenrod were noted. The sheets were set up inside of mowed pathways that were once driveways to the long-gone trailers.


I didn’t expect much of a turnout from this location because it didn’t give off a moth vibe. The young trees didn’t seem like they would be host to caterpillars or moths. I was pleasantly surprised! I easily observed over 100 species on the first night. The weather was hot, humid, with no breeze or possibility of a passing thunderstorm. Though the solid waste center had bright lights, the rest of the yard was fairly dark. Due to a flat tire I was only able to complete one night of observations.

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